ABOVE: DON TONRY whose pictures you have also seen under other names. Such complete perfection of type and posing is rarely found. Wouldn't it be tragic if Don would decide to "bulk up" because some physical culturists believe that enormous proportions should be every body-builders goal? We hope he'll stay just as he is. Don is a paragon all slender men (with broad shoulders) can aim for. ....Photo by Lon 400 West 57th Street, New York 19, New York who offers a catalog of Don only $1. Lon is one of the pioneers of physique photography, having served the public longer than any other firm now in operation to our knowledge. Many do not know that in addition to being an expert photographer, he is a talented organist, is active in church work and gives occassional recitals. ACROSS THE PAGE: BOB JENSEN at age 17 a magnificent specimen of powerful youth. Bob's inspiration for training came from his mother who was also an active physical culturist and one of the most wonderful women your editor ever had the pleasure of meeting. If Bob felt a tendency to slacken she was always at hand to give him that bit of extra encouragement.

Boys in active training have a healthy respect for their own and others bodies. They do not drink, smoke or otherwise corrupt themselves. Unless they face the problems of extreme paternal or social tensions, they do not become delinquents. If a boy still becomes a "tough" in spite of the wholesome influences of physical culture training, one can be certain that without this pressure relief valve thru which he can express his need for power recognition, he might have become a true social menace.

....Photo of Jensen by AMG who offer 12 of his photos $2.50, 8 of his catalogs 80 cents, 6 of his color slides: $3.

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